
Trees        Shrubs        Annuals and Tropicals        Perennials
Roses        Bulbs and Seeds        Garden Supplies        Bag Goods


Pictures do not necessarily reflect current inventory. Inventory subject to change seasonally

Itoh Paeonia

Extra Large Hosta

Dianthus - Great Butterfly Plant

Native Collection

Jacobs Ladder



Product Name

Secondary Name Product Size Price 
34 Allium x Millenium millenium allium 8" $20.00
26 Allium x Millennium millennium allium 1gl $20.00
10 Asarum canadensis wild ginger 1pt $9.99
10 Asclepis tuberosa butterfly weed 8" $17.50
7 Athyrium 'Ghost Fern ' Ghost Fern 1 gal. $20.00
12 Carex mor 'Ice Dance' ice dance sedge 1gl $20.00
7 Coreopsis verticilatta 'Moonbeam' moonbeam coreopsis 8" $20.00
4 Cortaderia selloana 'Pumila' ivory feathers pampas grass 2gl $60.00
10 Dryopteris Brilliance Autumn Fern Autumn Fern 'Brilliance' 1 gl $25.00
12 Echinacea 'Evolution Green Eyes' green eyes coneflower 1gl $20.00
11 Echinacea hyb. Cheyenne Spirit' cheyene spirit coneflower 8" $20.00
12 Echinacea purpurea 'Flamenco Orange' flamenco orange coneflower 1gl $20.00
2 Echinacea x Evolution embers sparks coneflower 1gl $17.00
9 Echinacea x Evolution 'Yellow Falls' yellow falls coneflower 1gl $25.00
3 Echinacea x Kismet White kismet white coneflower 1gl $20.00
2 Echinacea x Sombrero Yellow sombraro yellow coneflower 8" $25.00
4 Echinaceae 'Prima Tiger' prima tiger coneflower 1gl $25.00
12 Fern Dryopteris erythrosora Autumn Fern 1 gal. $25.00
12 Fern Matteuccia struthiopteris Ostrich Fern 1gal $20.00
5 GC Pachysandra 'Green Carpet' green carpet pachysandra flat $54.00
8 Grass Panicum virgatum 'Northwind' Northwind Switch Grass 1gl $25.00
5 Ground Cover 2.5" asst 2.5" ground cover wenke 2.5" $3.99
4 Ground Cover Full Flat gf asst. ground cover flat $54.00
36 Groundcover 2.5" Asst. wenke grouncover 2.5" $3.99
30 Groundcover 6pk gc ivy vinca pachy etc. 6pk $9.00
5 Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' Golden Japanese Forest Grass 1 gal. $20.00
5 Hedera helix 'Bulgaria' Baltic Ivy 36 $54.00
12 Heuchera 'Northern Exposure Silver northern sexposure silver coral bells 1gal $20.00
8 Heuchera richardsoni native heuchera 1pt $6.99
11 Hosta 'Earth Angel' earth angel hosta 1gl $20.00
9 Hosta 'Francee' Francee Hosta 1 gal. $20.00
8 Hosta 'Hadspen Blue' hadspen blue hosta 1gl $20.00
12 Hosta 'Patriot' Patriot Hosta 1 gal. $20.00
8 Hosta x Liberty liberty hosta 1gl $20.00
12 Hydrangea anomala petiolaris miranda climbing hydrangea 1gl $30.00
3 Hydrangea Shizo. 'Rose Sensation' rose sensation false hydrangea vine 2gl $60.00
5 Lavendula x inter. 'Sensational' sensational lavender 8" $20.00
73 Liriope 'Varigated' Varigated Liriope 1gl $20.00
24 Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Big Blue Monkey Grass 1 gal. $17.00
9 Liriope muscarri 'Royal Purple' Royal Purple Monkey Grass 1gl $20.00
3 Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurrea' creeping jenny 36flat $54.00
12 Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' maiden grass 5gl $69.00
12 Nepita 'Walkers Low' walkers low catmint 1gl $20.00
10 Pachysandra terminalis 6pk Japanese Spurge 6pk $9.00
6 Panicum virgatum 'Prairie Winds' cheyenne sky switch grass 2gl $50.00
12 Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Shenandoah Switch Grass 3gl $50.00
20 Perennial Missouri Native asst. Missouri native 1 qt $9.99
12 Perovskia atrifolia 'Little Spire' littel spire russian sage 8" $20.00
10 Premium Perennial 1/2gl wenke perennial 1/2gl $14.99
2 Rudbeckia little Goldstar little goldstar rudbeckia 1gal $20.00
10 Sedum Kamschaticum GC pachy sedum 36 pack $54.00
20 Swift Perennial Butterfly Garden perennial asst lt. Purple 4" $6.99
5 Vinca minor Common Periwinkle  6pk $9.00


Salvia Marcus

Yoki Clematis


Itoh Paeonia


Butterfly Garden

Huechera Coral Bells

Coral Bells

Dwarf Thornless Raspberry Shortcake

Bergina Winterflow

Vision Astilbe

Creeping Phlox

Lenten Rose

Lambs Ear

Sentimental Blue Balloon Flower



Lentin Rose



Purple Magnus Coneflower

Pink Champagne Clematis

Ostrich Fern

Sum and Substance Hosta

Little Business Daylily

Veronica Spike

Cat Mint

Clematis Toki

Giant Hosta

Butterfly Collection

Cheesier Coneflower

Hamlin Grass

Aster Farmington


Sombrero Cornflower
